My Dog Get Anxious When I Leave: What Should I Do?


A lot of people think that dogs become anxious when their owners leave because they want to control them or keep them from doing something. This is not the case. Dogs know that their person will always come back for them, whether it’s 5 minutes or 2 hours later. So why do they get anxious? Here are some reasons your dog might be anxious when you leave:

– The place you leave your dog feels unsafe or is new to them

– They have separation anxiety, which can happen if they were abused before you adopted them

– They had a bad experience the last time you left and now their brain associates being home alone with something bad happening (like getting hurt)

How to help your dog feel safe while you’re gone

There are a lot of things you can do to help your dog feel safe and comfortable while you’re gone:

1. Give your dog their favorite toys or treats

This way your dog will be able to occupy themselves with something that they enjoy. Make sure you give them enough of their prize to keep them busy for the amount of time you’ll be gone!

2. Put on calming music or a show your dog enjoys

Some dogs are relaxed by classical music, while others like the sound of rain or mellow jazz. Try different styles of music to see what relaxes your pup.

3. Set up a cozy blanket or bed near the door you use to leave

Your dog may feel less anxious knowing that they are close to their way out if they need it! Keep in mind that some dogs are more anxious when they can see you, so pick a place that your dog can see but you can’t.

4. Replace the door with baby gates (if your dog is small enough)

If you have a smaller dog, replacing the door with baby gates may keep them safely confined to one room. Just be sure to find a spot for their bed where they will feel safe and comfortable!

5. Try a Thundershirt

A lot of dogs experience anxiety when they are left alone because their owner’s energy is keeping them calm. This can be especially true for rescue dogs, who may have been abused in the past and don’t know that your leaving isn’t going to hurt them or trigger bad memories. The Thundershirt applies gentle pressure to your dog, which can have a calming effect without affecting their breathing.

6. Give them a stuffed Kong or kibble-filled toy when you leave

Your dog will be occupied with trying to get the treats out of their toy! This is best if they are not anxious about being left alone with something that might hurt them (like a stuffed Kong).

7. Leave the TV on when you leave

Some dogs are less anxious if they can see or hear people around them, so leaving the TV on before you walk out the door may help ease their anxiety! This is best for medium to large dogs who know not to attack TVs. 🙂

8. Use CBD oil for dogs with anxiety

CBD oil is a natural supplement derived from hemp plants that has been used to help with anxiety and other medical issues. You can find it online or at any pet supply store.


Leaving your dog when they are alone for the first time can be scary, even if you know they will be OK. Just remember to set up your house before leaving them alone and make sure you give them their favorite toys/treats/blanket to help comfort them while you’re gone!

If none of these methods work for your pup, take them to a vet or animal behaviorist who can help customize a solution for your pet.

Good Luck!